SimpleSort Continents with countries too!! The clever clouds need your help! They are trying to sort objects into the respective continent and country buckets. They don’t know where to put the man-made and natural wonders, rivers, mountains, plants, flags, musical instruments and animals! Can you help them figure out which objects belong on which continent and country?
With over 600 images of detailed, bright and accurate portrayals of places, animals, vegetation, and landscapes associated with each continent and country, SimpleSort: Continents Plus allows users to gain a visual recognition of these assets. The app also provides them with detailed explanations, including unique and important facts about each object.
SimpleSort: Continents Plus includes:
* Multiple user capability
* Helper cloud to guide user through the app
* Narrator who provides voice-over explanations and descriptions of each asset
* A library for users to visit prior to playing the game, which allows familiarization with each asset in the continent and the country where they are located
* Choice of playing game in continent mode or in country mode
* Scoreboard that keeps track of the progress made in either the continent level or country level for multiple users
*Ability to double tap each asset to learn more information in the continent play mode
* An interactive map that displays after each game, giving the user a visual to see where each object can be found within a larger global scale and once again reinforce the name and description of each object
*3 dimensional display of the map at the continent and country levels
* Ability to expand map using two fingers
Download the app today and give your child a brand new global perspective!
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